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[Paahs CHoo mus]

adjective   1. occurring after death


Friendship, perseverance, and the power of belief shine in this novel about a girl trying to stay connected to her late mother.

While living in Paris, Ellie Kerr’s mom penned a series of children’s stories, yet sadly died before they could be published.


Once Ellie and her father return to the US, the twelve-year-old decides to finish what her mother could not. When Ellie is mysteriously blocked by a password on her mother’s computer, she becomes determined to find the truth — even though four failed attempts will destroy the computer’s data, including her mom’s stories!


Ellie’s father thinks that the code is unbreakable, but Ellie believes that her mother might have left a posthumous message in the new password. With the help of friends, Ellie tries to crack the code, publish the books, and ultimately honor her mother.

A librarian submitted Posthumous for the Newbery Award. Wow!

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